Rust from a Gopher - Lessons 3 & 4

Update: There has been discussion on this post on Hacker News - feel free to see the comments there Warning: Incoming opinion monologue; feel free to skip to The Lesson Review review if that’s what you’re after Hello and welcome to the third post in my series about learning Rust. In case you want to hit it from the start, here’s a link to the first one! This entire series covers my journey from being a completely land-locked Gopher to becoming (hopefully) a hardened Rustacean, able to skitter the hazardous seabed of any application safely.

Rust from a Gopher - Lesson 2

Hello and welcome to my second lesson in my series about learning Rust. In case you missed it, here’s a link to the first post. This entire series covers my journey from being a completely land-locked Gopher to becoming (hopefully) a hardened Rustacean, able to skitter the hazardous seabed of any application safely. My Seabed I’ll start this post off with a couple of notes about my setup, as truth be told I haven’t really planned much for this series and it might do well to share my context.

Rust from a Gopher - Lesson 1

So I’ve decided to actually start learning Rust. I’ve considered it a couple of times before but I always found some reasons to avoid going deep. For example: There’s was no mainline support for RISC-V I’ve done some small hobby work with RISC-V in C, but this small hump seemed good enough to stop me from diving into Rust - oh for shame. Fast forward to today I think I can live with the RISC-V split in Rust/embedded (or whatever it is now, I don’t actually know).

Premature Ego Optimization

One thing I’ve heard more than a few times in recent years is some concept of “ego free engineering”. People usually aren’t super explicit with this concept, but I’d say it’s fairly common practice to encourage people to contribute to a discussion whilst ignoring the possibility of hurting another’s feelings. Whilst I agree with this concept - I actually think it’s better to not even bring it. Instead the baseline of an engineering discussion should be without ego.

Hello World

Hi internet! Here’s my obligatory post mainly aimed at ensuring things are working as expected. I plan to write some real content soon about either a game server I’m tinkering on, or a new high end desktop build I’m putting together for ML purposes. Stay tuned! (testing blocks only, follow)